














1. 与えられたテーマについて、自分の意見を書く
2. 解答時間は25分
3. 語数は80~100語
4. 序論、本論、結論の3つの部分で構成する





– テーマに沿って、明確な意見を述べる
– 理由や例を挙げて、意見を裏付ける
– 文法や語彙を正しく使う
– 文章の構成を整える





1. In recent years, (topic) has become a hot issue.

2. There has been much debate about whether (topic).

3. Many people are concerned about (topic).

4. (Topic) is an important issue that affects many people.

5. I strongly believe that (your opinion).

6. In my opinion, (your opinion).

7. From my point of view, (your opinion).

8. I agree/disagree with the idea that (topic).

9. There are both advantages and disadvantages to (topic).

10. (Topic) is a complex issue with no easy answers.


In recent years, bringing cell phones to school has become a hot issue. Many people are concerned about whether it’s a good idea or not. In my opinion, students should be allowed to bring cell phones to school, but with some restrictions.





1. First of all, (first reason/example).

2. One reason for this is that (reason).

3. Another important point is (second reason/example).

4. Moreover, (additional reason/example).

5. For example, (specific example).

6. To illustrate this point, (example).

7. This is because (explanation).

8. As a result, (consequence).

9. On the other hand, (opposing view).

10. However, (contrasting point).

11. Although (opposing view), (your view).

12. It is true that (opposing view), but (your view).

13. Some people might argue that (opposing view), but I believe (your view).

14. One advantage of (topic) is (advantage).

15. A major disadvantage of (topic) is (disadvantage).

16. This could lead to (possible outcome).

17. If we consider (aspect), we can see that (point).

18. Many experts believe that (expert opinion).

19. According to recent research, (research finding).

20. In my experience, (personal experience).


First of all, cell phones can be useful in emergency situations. For example, if a student feels sick or there is an accident at school, they can quickly contact their parents or emergency services. Moreover, smartphones can be used as learning tools. Many educational apps and websites can help students with their studies. On the other hand, some people might argue that cell phones can be a distraction in class. However, if we set clear rules about when and how to use phones at school, we can minimize this problem.





1. In conclusion, (restate your opinion).

2. To sum up, (summary of main points).

3. For these reasons, I believe that (your opinion).

4. Taking everything into account, (your conclusion).

5. In light of these points, (your conclusion).

6. Therefore, I think that (your opinion).

7. All things considered, (your conclusion).

8. Based on these arguments, (your conclusion).

9. In the end, (your final thought).

10. While there are both pros and cons, I believe that (your opinion).


In conclusion, I believe that students should be allowed to bring cell phones to school, but with clear rules. While there are both advantages and disadvantages, the benefits of having phones for emergencies and learning outweigh the potential problems. By setting and following proper guidelines, we can make the most of this technology in education.







1. テーマを理解する
2. 自分の意見を決める
3. 理由や例を2?3つ考える
4. 序論を書く
5. 本論を書く
6. 結論を書く
7. 見直しと修正をする


1. テーマを理解する


2. 自分の意見を決める


### 3. 理由や例を2~3つ考える

– 緊急時に役立つ
– 学習ツールとして使える

– 適切なルールを設ければ問題を防げる

4. 序論を書く


In recent years, bringing cell phones to school has become a hot issue. Many people are concerned about whether it’s a good idea or not. In my opinion, students should be allowed to bring cell phones to school, but with some restrictions.

5. 本論を書く


First of all, cell phones can be useful in emergency situations. For example, if a student feels sick or there is an accident at school, they can quickly contact their parents or emergency services. Moreover, smartphones can be used as learning tools. Many educational apps and websites can help students with their studies. On the other hand, some people might argue that cell phones can be a distraction in class. However, if we set clear rules about when and how to use phones at school, we can minimize this problem.

6. 結論を書く


In conclusion, I believe that students should be allowed to bring cell phones to school, but with clear rules. While there are both advantages and disadvantages, the benefits of having phones for emergencies and learning outweigh the potential problems. By setting and following proper guidelines, we can make the most of this technology in education.

7. 見直しと修正をする


– スペリングや文法のミスがないか
– 語数が80~100語の範囲内か
– 文章の流れが自然か
– テーマに沿った内容になっているか



In recent years, bringing cell phones to school has become a hot issue. Many people are concerned about whether it’s a good idea or not. In my opinion, students should be allowed to bring cell phones to school, but with some restrictions.

First of all, cell phones can be useful in emergency situations. For example, if a student feels sick or there is an accident at school, they can quickly contact their parents or emergency services. Moreover, smartphones can be used as learning tools. Many educational apps and websites can help students with their studies. On the other hand, some people might argue that cell phones can be a distraction in class. However, if we set clear rules about when and how to use phones at school, we can minimize this problem.

In conclusion, I believe that students should be allowed to bring cell phones to school, but with clear rules. While there are both advantages and disadvantages, the benefits of having phones for emergencies and learning outweigh the potential problems. By setting and following proper guidelines, we can make the most of this technology in education.






1. 環境問題


In recent years, environmental protection has become a crucial issue. I believe that there are many things we can do in our daily lives to help protect the environment.

First of all, we can reduce our use of plastic. For example, we can bring our own shopping bags and water bottles instead of using disposable ones. Moreover, we can save energy by turning off lights and appliances when not in use. This not only helps the environment but also reduces our electricity bills. Some people might argue that individual actions are not enough to make a difference. However, if everyone makes small changes, it can have a big impact on the environment.

In conclusion, I think that protecting the environment starts with small actions in our daily lives. While it may seem difficult at first, these simple steps can make a significant difference in the long run. By working together and being mindful of our actions, we can contribute to a healthier planet for future generations.

2. 教育


There has been much debate about whether schools should teach programming. In my opinion, programming should be included in the school curriculum as it provides valuable skills for the future.

One reason for this is that programming skills are becoming increasingly important in many jobs. For example, even fields like marketing and finance now require some understanding of data analysis and coding. Moreover, learning to code helps develop problem-solving and logical thinking skills, which are useful in all areas of life. On the other hand, some people might argue that not all students are interested in programming. However, I believe that basic programming knowledge can benefit everyone, just like math or science.

To sum up, I strongly believe that schools should teach programming. While it may be challenging to implement, the benefits for students’ future careers and personal development outweigh the difficulties. By introducing programming in schools, we can better prepare students for the digital world they will face in the future.

3. 健康


In recent years, the importance of exercise has become a hot topic. I strongly believe that regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good health and overall well-being.

First of all, exercise helps prevent various health problems. For example, regular physical activity can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Moreover, exercise is not just good for the body, but also for the mind. It can help reduce stress and improve mood. Some people might argue that they don’t have time for exercise in their busy lives. However, even small amounts of activity, like taking a short walk during lunch break, can make a difference.

In conclusion, I think that exercise should be a priority in everyone’s life. While it may require some effort to start, the benefits for both physical and mental health are significant. By making exercise a regular part of our routines, we can improve our quality of life and enjoy better health in the long term.

4. 技術


Social media has become an integral part of many people’s lives. In my opinion, while social media has both positive and negative effects, its impact on our lives is significant and should be carefully considered.

One advantage of social media is that it allows us to stay connected with friends and family, even when we are far apart. For example, we can easily share photos and updates with loved ones in different countries. Moreover, social media can be a powerful tool for spreading information and raising awareness about important issues. However, there are also downsides to consider. Some people argue that social media can be addictive and may negatively affect mental health. It’s true that excessive use of social media can lead to feelings of loneliness or anxiety.

In light of these points, I believe that we need to use social media responsibly. While it offers many benefits, we should be aware of its potential negative impacts and strive for a balanced approach. By using social media mindfully and in moderation, we can enjoy its advantages while minimizing its drawbacks.

5. 文化


Learning a foreign language has become increasingly important in our globalized world. I strongly believe that studying a foreign language offers numerous benefits and should be encouraged.

First of all, knowing a foreign language can open up many opportunities in one’s career. For example, many companies value employees who can communicate with international clients or partners. Moreover, learning a new language helps us understand different cultures and ways of thinking. This can lead to greater empathy and cultural awareness. Some people might argue that with translation technology, learning languages is becoming less necessary. However, I believe that direct communication in a shared language creates deeper connections and understanding that technology cannot replicate.

In conclusion, I think that learning a foreign language is a valuable skill that everyone should consider acquiring. While it may be challenging and time-consuming, the benefits for personal growth, career prospects, and cultural understanding are significant. By embracing language learning, we can better prepare ourselves for success in our increasingly interconnected world.






1. 文章構成を意識する
– 序論、本論、結論の3つの部分をしっかり作る
– 各部分の役割を理解し、適切な内容を書く

2. テーマに沿って明確な意見を述べる
– 賛成か反対か、自分の立場を明確にする
– 意見を裏付ける理由や例を2?3つ挙げる

3. 使える表現を増やす
– この記事で紹介した文章例を参考に、使える表現を覚える
– 日頃から英語の記事や本を読んで、表現力を磨く

4. 語彙力を向上させる
– テーマごとによく使われる単語を覚える
– 同じ意味でも別の言い方ができるよう、類語を学ぶ

5. 文法の正確さを高める
– 基本的な文法ルールを復習する
– 特に、時制や関係代名詞、接続詞の使い方に注意する

6. 時間管理を意識する
– 25分という制限時間を意識して、練習する
– 下書きと清書の時間配分を考える

7. 多くの練習問題に取り組む
– 過去問や模擬問題をたくさん解く
– さまざまなテーマに対して書く練習をする

8. 自分の文章を客観的に見直す
– 書いた後に必ず見直しの時間を取る
– スペリングや文法のミスがないかチェックする

9. 読みやすさを意識する
– 適度に段落を分ける
– 接続詞を使って、文と文のつながりを良くする

10. 自信を持って書く
– 間違いを恐れずに、思い切って表現する
– 練習の成果を信じて、本番に臨む





